
Joe Buffone to open the 2024 conference

The EMPA Australia 2024 committee is pleased to confirm that Joe Buffone, Deputy Coordinator-General, National Emergency Management Agency will open the conference on Wednesday 5 June 2024.

Joe has more than 30 years’ experience in security and disaster management and has held a number of key senior positions. Joe has had direct involvement in coordinating and responding to major emergencies in Australia and internationally, at the Strategic, Operational and Tactical levels. Some examples are; Leading the Victorian Aged Care Response Centre 2020, Black Summer 2019-20, Far North Queensland Floods 2018-19, Cyclone Debbie 2017, Tasmanian Bushfires 2016, Wye River Bushfires 2016, Nepal Earth Quake 2015, Somerton Building Waste Fire 2015, Hazelwood Mine Fire 2014. NSW Bushfires 2014, 2011 Victorian Floods, 2009 Black Saturday Fires in Victoria.

Read Joe’s full bio here.


Panel: 2023 Canadian Wildfires

The EMPA Australia 2024 program will feature a panel discussion about First Nation learnings from the 2023 Canadian Wildfires. The discussion will be facilitated by Peter Brick, Forest Fire Management Victoria and include Elissa Bourne, Country Fire Authority; Jessica Mack, British Columbia Wildfire Service and Tim Gazzard, Forest Fire Management Victoria.