Key dates

Conference Program

Wednesday 5 June – Thursday 6 June 2024


Optional Masterclass (now full) Social capital and social infrastructure in action:  How libraries and pubs can help us better connect and communicate

Friday 7 June 2024:  Half-day 9am – 12:30pm


Conference Dinner and Awards Presentation

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Full Program

The conference program is subject to change. Download the full program below.

What to expect

The program for EMPA Australia 2024 will again deliver two days of engaging and insightful presentations and panel discussions from leading emergency communicators including:

  • Dr Jeannette Sutton, disaster and risk communication expert: The Warn Room: Writing better, more effective warnings
  • Dr Jonica Newby, science communicator and author: Beyond Climate Grief: Addressing anxiety caused by climate change and coping with the reality of large climate events
  • Deputy Commissioner Melissa Pexton, DFES WA: Recovery following the Fitzroy Crossing flood of 2023
  • A panel discussion on First Nation learnings from the 2023 Canadian wildfires
  • An update on the Australian Warning System
  • Neil Munro, Country Fire Authority on developing a child-centred approach to bushfire education
  • Philippe Borremans on the future of AI in emergency management
  • Half-day Masterclass – Social Capital and Social Infrastructure in Action (read more below).
…and much more!

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SOCIAL CAPITAL AND SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE IN ACTION – How libraries and pubs can help us better connect and communicate

On Day 3 of the conference, a half-day masterclass at QT Canberra will be delivered by Professor Daniel Aldrich, Northeastern University, Boston; Renae Hanvin, Resilient Ready and Jo Garnett, SAFECOM.

Social capital and social infrastructure are fundamental to building national resilience. But what do they really mean and look like in practice and policy when it comes to disaster-related communications and stakeholder engagement?

Join global social capital expert Professor Daniel Aldrich, Resilient Ready CEO and Founder Renae Hanvin and SAFECOM’s Program Manager of Disaster Resilience & Risk Reduction Johanna Garnett for a 3-hour interactive masterclass.

These industry experts share findings from the South Australian Social Capital + Social Infrastructure Snapshot project including a collective view from government and non-government stakeholders.

Showcasing practical examples from South Australia, this masterclass will put a spotlight on the many and varied benefits to come from measuring and investing in people connections and the places where people connect. 

It will inspire the audience to think differently about how community organisations such as libraries and museums and local small businesses including “the pub” or regional caravan parks can fill the gap in community-led resilience, trust building, collaboration and equity.

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